The London Java Community is delighted to announce that our 2nd Unconference will take place on 26th June 2010, organised in association with the Apache Software Foundation.

Building on the success of the 1st Unconference at IBM’s offices, Skills Matter is kindly hosting the next instalment at their premier London location.

If you have something interesting to say about Java or want hear about the exciting world of Apache Projects, book your place now HERE. This is a community event but we need to charge £27.50 to cover costs of breakfast, lunch, tea & coffee – sorry!

Themes for the 2nd Unconference are Java and Apache – broad subjects areas that allow maximum creative freedom throughout the day. So the landscape is clear for talks on the Java language, Spring, Hibernate, Open Source and Java, OSGi, or perhaps even JVM languages – basically all things Java and Apache.

If you want to share your Java experiences or hear from others, the LJC 2nd Unconference is something not to be missed. And if you are a participant of any of the 70+ Apache projects or Apache incubating projects, we want to hear from you.

An Unconference is a “facilitated, participant-driven conference centered around a theme or purpose” (Wikipedia) . In other words the content is provided by the audience – YOU! Already confirmed subjects are:

• OSGi application visualisation tools going into Apache Aries

• Naked Objects open source framework

Spaces are limited to 70 so book now. We’ll also keep a waiting list in case of drop outs.

For online discussions before, during, and after the event, use Twitter tag: #LJCUC02