Have you got something interesting to say about Java? Want to talk to other people with similar interests?

The London Java Community are pleased to announce that their first ‘unconference’ will run on Saturday November the 28th 2009.

What is an unconference? It is defined on Wikipedia as a “facilitated, participant-driven conference centered around a theme or purpose” http://en.wikipedia.o… Our theme will be Java….

We know that Java is a fairly broad subject area – but we didn’t want to limit creativity by narrowing the scope. This leaves people free to talk on the Java language, Spring, Hibernate, Open Source and Java, OSGi, perhaps even JVM languages, anything Java that you want….

As is traditional with this type of event, the content will be provided by the audience. To help us ensure that we have enough conference rooms, we are asking you to indicate whether or not you intend to speak at the event. We are also charging a small fee to attend – this is simply to cover costs (lunch, coffees etc), the aim is to break even on the event. Any profit will be put behind the bar after the event.

Thanks to a LJC member Zoe Slattery and our own Martijn Verburg for the organising of this.

To sign up please visit our official site http://www.meetup.com/Londonjavacommunity/calendar/11677002/