Attendeed: Martijn Verburg, Sean Landsman, Ingo Hoffmann, Omar Bashir

  • Welcomed Omar as a new member!
  • Discussed JSR 363 – Units and Measures. Omar pointed out that it looked good overall but he had some concerns about the verbosity / boilerplate nature of having to use Factories and Builders in order to get going. He noted that the Java 6 compatibility made sense (IoT, Android and other older platforms). Martijn commented that DI of some sort might help tackle the verbosity, but that the Spec Lead and EG had likely discounted that in order to allow it to be used across a wider set of projects.  Omar will send in final feedback by Sunday the 7th.
  • Discussed the vote for JSR 380 – Bean Validation 2.0.  Unanimous yrs, Ingo noted it was early stages and that we should have a more careful review when there was the beginnings of a RI.
  • Discussed the vote for JSR 367 – JSONB – Group looked at outstanding issues and send a message to the Spec Lead over a concern that JSONPointer support had not been addressed.  Will wait until Sunday evening (7th) before casting final vote.
  • Discussed nominations for JCP awards. Unit of Measure and Jigsaw seemed to be the outstanding JSRs, more research required on the Adopt a JSR award.
  • Martijn will give feedback at the next meeting about the Aug 7th EC phone conference, covering Java EE 8 as Oracle sees it.


Martijn (on behalf of the LJC JCP Committee)