LJC JCP Committee Minutes for March 2013

Apologies for the delayed publication of these minutes. If you have any questions about what we’re doing or what goes on at these meetings, please get in touch.

In attendance:

Martijn, Richard, David, Kim, Jim

* David started a tradition of adding Puppies to minutes
* Martijn is to complete the Adopt a JSR community page and redirect the adoptajsr.java.net to the new community site. This could also include the following features:

  • How do I get started button
  • Coverflow of JSR status (content flow)

* Recent hack days were successful, however we need to get more feedback/follow up back to the Spec Leads, Expert Groups etc.

* Ben to pass onto the JCP EC that perhaps all of the lawyers ccurrently discussing JSR 358 could get together and write some guidance for corporate lawyers on how the JSPA and OCA work, an FAQ if you will.

* Encourage the “Adopt a JSR” programme to also focus on delivering feedback at the EC level, e.g. Try to kick-start more technical discussions on the EC.

* Ben to suggest renaming/repurposing the EDR stage to a “Tech Review” stage to encourage early tech review of JSRs.